(501) 228-7777

For Owners

Notices to Owners. ATTN: Mandatory Inspection Required!

Airworthiness Directives

AD 5: Mandatory. Requiring wing inspection. Affected airplanes are from 001 to 090, manufactured before June, 2006. Download AD 5.

Safety Alerts

SA 1: Mandatory. New cables and pulleys for vertical tail. Download SA 1.

SA 2: Mandatory. Installation of fuel filter with safety wire. Download SA 2.

SA 3: Mandatory. Replacement of rudder’s turnbuckles. Download SA 3.

SA 4: Mandatory. Change brake pliers. Download SA 4.

SA 5: Mandatory. Visual control and eventual removal of disengaged false ribs. Download SA 5.

SA 6: Mandatory. Visual control of the correct installation of the rudder pedals and brake pedal assembly. Download SA 6.

SA 7: Mandatory. Check status of rudder cables. Download SA 7.

SA8: Mandatory. Check status of bungee cords. Download SA 8.

SA9 (2): Mandatory. Visual check for possible sleeves corrosion on all stainless steel wires used for ailerons, rudder, stabilizers & flaps controls. Download SA9 (2)

SA9: Mandatory. Check status of rims structural integrity. Download SA9.

SA10: Mandatory. Rudder Control Cables. Download SA10.

SA11: Mandatory. Check status of rudder cables. Download SA11.

SA 090216: Mandatory. Inspection and replacement of cowl door hinge rivets. Download SA 090216

SA-12: Mandatory. Visual inspection of uniball for free movement, corrosion free and other obstructions that can block the movement. Download SA-QAP-CA-SP-SA-12

Service Bulletins

SB 1: Caution. Modification of Savage aircraft not permitted w/o prior factory approval. Download SB 1.

SB 2: Caution. Visual condition check of the ROTAX manual fuel pump. Download SB 2.

SB 3: Caution. Request factory authorization before modifying Savage Classic or Cruiser. Download SB 3.

SB 5: Caution. Check the airspeed indication range markings. Download SB 5.

SB 6: Caution. Airspeed indication range markings when equipped with vortex generators. Download SB 6.

SB 7: Caution. Lower engine cowling brackets InspectionDownload SB 7.

SB 8: Caution. Exhaust pipe fixation inspection. Download SB 8.

Notices from ROTAX

ROTAX Notices

SI-916 i-006 / SI-915 i-011 / SI-912 i-027
SI-912-034 / SI-914-037

Propeller mass moment of inertia for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 i (Series), 915 i (Series), 912 i (Series), 912/914 (Series) and 2 Stroke Aircraft Engines

(This SI supersedes and replaces SI-11-1991 dated December 1992)

Download This Service Instruction.

SI-916 i-001R1 / SI-915 i-001R2
SI-912 i-001R7 / SI-912-016R12

Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 i (Series), 915 i (Series), 912 i (Series), 912 and 914 (Series)

(This SI revises SI-912 i-001R6/SI-915 i-001R1/SI-912-016R11 and SI-916 i-001 dated 10 December 2020)

Download This Service Instruction.

SI-916 i-001 / SI-915 i-001R1
SI-912 i-001R6 / SI-912-016R11

Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 iSc B, 915 i A/B (Series), 912 i (Series), 912 and 914

(This SI revises SI-912 i-001R5/SI-915 i-001/SI-912-016R10 and SI-914-019R10 dated 20 December 2017)

Download This Service Instruction.

Documents & Forms

Master Equipment List

Zlin/Savage Master Equipment List 31 DEC 18. Download MEL.

Rotax Manuals

Rotax engine manuals are available at the Rotax-Owners Web site. This Link will take you to their Web site.

Major Repair or Alterations Request Form

Download Zlin Form ASTM F2384

Zlin Form ASTM F2384 (337) Rev 9 is used to describe and request the manufacturer’s approval of major repair or alterations to any Zlin Savage aircraft. Download this form and provide it to your A&P mechanic. The mechanic will fill it out and submit it according to the instructions contained in the form.


Savage aircraft are distributed in the USA by SportairUSA, LC. Located at KORK North Little Rock Municipal Airport, North Little Rock, Arkansas.


Savage aircraft are manufacured by Zlin Aviation, s.r.o. Located in Napajedla, Czech Republic.

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