For Owners
Notices to Owners. ATTN: Mandatory Inspection Required!
Airworthiness Directives
AD 5: Mandatory. Requiring wing inspection. Affected airplanes are from 001 to 090, manufactured before June, 2006. Download AD 5.
Safety Alerts
SA 1: Mandatory. New cables and pulleys for vertical tail. Download SA 1.
SA 2: Mandatory. Installation of fuel filter with safety wire. Download SA 2.
SA 3: Mandatory. Replacement of rudder’s turnbuckles. Download SA 3.
SA 4: Mandatory. Change brake pliers. Download SA 4.
SA 5: Mandatory. Visual control and eventual removal of disengaged false ribs. Download SA 5.
SA 6: Mandatory. Visual control of the correct installation of the rudder pedals and brake pedal assembly. Download SA 6.
SA 7: Mandatory. Check status of rudder cables. Download SA 7.
SA8: Mandatory. Check status of bungee cords. Download SA 8.
SA9 (2): Mandatory. Visual check for possible sleeves corrosion on all stainless steel wires used for ailerons, rudder, stabilizers & flaps controls. Download SA9 (2)
SA9: Mandatory. Check status of rims structural integrity. Download SA9.
SA10: Mandatory. Rudder Control Cables. Download SA10.
SA11: Mandatory. Check status of rudder cables. Download SA11.
SA 090216: Mandatory. Inspection and replacement of cowl door hinge rivets. Download SA 090216
SA-12: Mandatory. Visual inspection of uniball for free movement, corrosion free and other obstructions that can block the movement. Download SA-QAP-CA-SP-SA-12
Service Bulletins
SB 1: Caution. Modification of Savage aircraft not permitted w/o prior factory approval. Download SB 1.
SB 2: Caution. Visual condition check of the ROTAX manual fuel pump. Download SB 2.
SB 3: Caution. Request factory authorization before modifying Savage Classic or Cruiser. Download SB 3.
SB 5: Caution. Check the airspeed indication range markings. Download SB 5.
SB 6: Caution. Airspeed indication range markings when equipped with vortex generators. Download SB 6.
SB 7: Caution. Lower engine cowling brackets Inspection. Download SB 7.
SB 8: Caution. Exhaust pipe fixation inspection. Download SB 8.
Notices from ROTAX
ROTAX Notices
SI-916 i-006 / SI-915 i-011 / SI-912 i-027
SI-912-034 / SI-914-037
Propeller mass moment of inertia for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 i (Series), 915 i (Series), 912 i (Series), 912/914 (Series) and 2 Stroke Aircraft Engines
(This SI supersedes and replaces SI-11-1991 dated December 1992)
Download This Service Instruction.
SI-916 i-001R1 / SI-915 i-001R2
SI-912 i-001R7 / SI-912-016R12
Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 i (Series), 915 i (Series), 912 i (Series), 912 and 914 (Series)
(This SI revises SI-912 i-001R6/SI-915 i-001R1/SI-912-016R11 and SI-916 i-001 dated 10 December 2020)
Download This Service Instruction.
SI-916 i-001 / SI-915 i-001R1
SI-912 i-001R6 / SI-912-016R11
Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX® Engine Type 916 iSc B, 915 i A/B (Series), 912 i (Series), 912 and 914
(This SI revises SI-912 i-001R5/SI-915 i-001/SI-912-016R10 and SI-914-019R10 dated 20 December 2017)
Documents & Forms
Master Equipment List
Zlin/Savage Master Equipment List 31 DEC 18. Download MEL.
Rotax Manuals
Rotax engine manuals are available at the Rotax-Owners Web site. This Link will take you to their Web site.
Major Repair or Alterations Request Form
Zlin Form ASTM F2384 (337) Rev 9 is used to describe and request the manufacturer’s approval of major repair or alterations to any Zlin Savage aircraft. Download this form and provide it to your A&P mechanic. The mechanic will fill it out and submit it according to the instructions contained in the form.